Coded Clearing Hypnosis Experience

A powerful blend of Hypnotherapy, Timeline + 'Past' / Alternate Lives Regression

With Laura Whitworth's SCHH for entity release

AND Marie Fleming Grant's channeled modality - Coded Clearing

- for thorough & life changing energy clearings, ascension activation...

and multi-dimensional exploration!

This experience is delivered with the direct assistance of the Angelic Realm & the Arcturian High Council

to assist you inside safe and powerful high frequencies


Starseeds, Lightworkers, WayShowers, Creatives, Impact-Makers, Humanitarians, and all Conscious Ones who are actively choosing to raise their frequency and move powerfully forwards on their personal and/or planetary missions.


* To free yourself of any interference, fears, reoccurring patterns, ‘stuckness’ or even issues which make no logical sense

* To clear whatever is required, so that you can move forwards properly now in life, business, mission - without being continuously distracted / derailed / sabotaged

* To connect more to your multi-dimensional self, and your Higher Self for more clarity and knowing

* To be able to ascend powerfully during this lifetime


* You've tried so many things and nothing is 'fixing' or sorting the issues for you and you're ready to get to the absolute root - once and for all

* You want to ensure that you are properly clear and energetically sovereign so that you can be of the greatest service on your mission, be 100% confident that you are free of any deceptions or manipulations, and make the true impact you came here to make

* You want to elevate your frequency so you can release the distraction of being continuously dragged down by things which seem to keep you in a loop


* You align with the idea of operating in a much higher frequency energy field so that you have:

- An ability to ground, feel safe and secure - physically & financially

- Heightened levels of creativity, joy and energy

- Rock solid confidence in who you are and what you are here to do

- An ability to feel love and connection, for yourself and others

- Powerful expression, communication & impact ability

- Clarity and insight with better ability to see your mission and next steps

- A full connection to Source and your Higher Self which you can fully trust

- Energy and drive to execute your mission and the steps required, and to hold your high frequency in the world

I’m delighted you’ve found your way here.

These sessions are extremely high frequency and will shift you PROFOUNDLY!

We do 4 powerful things inside the Coded Clearing Hypnosis Experience


A thorough clearing of your energy field - removing anything that should not be there and is causing interference (including entities, earthbound spirits, AI, soul fragments, residual energies from past trauma - this lifetime and other timelines, anything else in your body which has made it’s way there since certain ‘substances’ were brought in during 2020/21)

Closing down, sealing and clearing any portals that have been opened in your body and/or energy field, and within your home.

Dissolving any dark contracts, covenants, vows and agreements knowingly or unknowingly entered into, from this lifetime or from other lifetimes / timelines.


Calling back all soul fragments & any aspects of your consciousness which need to be retrieved

Rebuilding & recoding your energy system.

Restoring soul blueprints and ascension codes.

Fully resealing the aura and strengthening up your entire energy field.


After you have been cleared, you will be in a much higher frequency to enable an exploration into another lifetime / timeline where you will have whatever recall experience which is important for you to connect to. This will provide you with powerful insights for your current life / growth / mission.


We will connect you with your Higher Self and from this space, answer up to 10 questions that you wish to ask in relation to your life / business / mission / personal growth (we will have these prepared before the session and I can also channel through any important questions on your behalf)

These 4 pieces, together, create

  • Energetic Sovereignty - being unavailable for further energy syphoning

  • Genetic Integrity - operating with full organic human consciousness only

  • Multi-dimensional connection - to remember who you really are

  • Soul Activation - to fuel your path and your mission

  • Higher Frequencies - impacting absolutely everything

    = Ascension Without Interference!

Coded Clearing Hypnosis - 2 Session Experience

Session 1 [4 hours]

  • An initial consultation - A conversation on your current situation and needs, along with any higher frequency assistance and/or guidance to compliment the work we’ll be doing together in our sessions.

  • Hypnosis for full clearing, chakra rebuild, protection & activation

  • A post-hypnosis chat - A gentle space for you to share anything you wish to, to talk about anything relevant and guide you back into the here and now, with any suggestions or reminders that you may need, to maintain the higher frequency you have now shifted into.

Session 2: [3-4 hours]

  • Energy checks

    This hypnosis session, to take place between 1 and 2 weeks after your first session, will involve a check of your energy field to make sure everything is as it should be.

  • Further clearing / coding as appropriate - We will remove anything that may have attached since the previous session, or anything hidden that we may have missed / that you are now ready to remove (often it is too much for the body to remove things in one session)

    And now that you are in a much higher frequency…

  • Timeline exploration of another lifetime / timeline you need to see

  • Higher Self connection with your questions answered

Full recordings of hypnosis segments will be sent to you after each session.

Choose from online or in-person sessions. In-person sessions are available on Saturdays in London(93 Gloucester Place, W1U 6JG)

Coded Clearing Hypnosis - 4 Session Experience

Session 1: Energetic Shift Consultation [2 hours]

  • A consultation & assessment of your current life / business / mission and clearing requirements, full energy mapping and integration work, plus healing codes & channeling for you, for immediate energetic shifts.

Session 2: Full clearing, chakra rebuild & aura reseal [4 hours]

  • Pre-hypnosis consultation - A conversation on your current situation and needs, along with any higher frequency assistance and/or guidance to compliment the work we’ll be doing together in our sessions.

  • Hypnosis for full clearing, chakra rebuild, protection & activation

  • A post-hypnosis chat - A gentle space for you to share anything you wish to, to talk about anything relevant and guide you back into the here and now, with any suggestions or reminders that you may need, to maintain the higher frequency you have now shifted into.

Session 3: Energy checks, timeline exploration & Higher Self connection [3-4 hours]

  • Energy checks & further clearing if needed

    This hypnosis session, to take place between 1 and 2 weeks after your first session, will involve a check of your energy field to make sure everything is as it should be. We will remove anything that may have attached since the previous session, or anything hidden that we may have missed / that you are now ready to remove (often it is too much for the body to remove things in one session)

    And now that you are in a much higher frequency…

  • Timeline exploration of another lifetime / timeline you need to see

  • Higher Self connection with your questions answered

Session 4: Additional Clearings & Recoding [3 hours]

  • Final checks & further clearing if needed - Final checks of your energy field & Coded Clearing to further activate & strengthen your energy field.

  • Additional Clearings for your business and/or mission, social media platforms, bank account, devices, home, car.

  • Restoring & activating any original coding / correcting the soul blueprint and ascension blueprints to prevent further re-attachments

  • AI shielding

  • Channeled Q&A and consultation for recommendations and guidance to move forwards on your path.

Full recordings of hypnosis segments & consultations will be sent to you after each session.

Choose from online or in-person sessions. In-person sessions are available on Saturdays in London(93 Gloucester Place, W1U 6JG)

Choose a 2 Session or 4 Session Experience

ONLINE Pay in full $1,500

ONLINE Split Payment x3 $500

ONLINE Split Payment x6 $250

ONLINE - Split Payment x3 $265

ONLINE - Pay in full $795

IN PERSON - Pay in full £650

** March offer: book for £444!

IN PERSON - Pay in Full £1,200

** March offer: book for £888!

Refund Policy

Due to the nature of these clearings, it is common to have some sudden feelings coming up prior to your first session, to either cancel / back out, postpone or move the appointment. This is due to certain energies / entities / attachments which obviously don't want us clearing them! So, to counter this, we have a very clear no refund policy.

Booking in for this service is a beautiful and powerful commitment to yourself, which will assist you to show up and to do what's required to move forwards on your path.

What you need for this experience if you're doing it online:

  • Uninterrupted time for the duration of your sessions, without having to rush off anywhere afterwards

  • A quiet, comfortable place where you are able to lay down (e.g sofa or bed)

  • Steady wifi connection

  • PC, laptop or tablet - please note, these sessions are not suitable to conduct using a mobile phone

  • Wired headset with attached mic


  • To be 18 or over - We can conduct sessions for under 18's, where appropriate. However, please contact me directly to discuss suitability and options.

What happens after you book?

  1. If you pay in full for your booking, you'll receive an automated email booking confirmation with date & time of your first session (and a Zoom link to access your session if you've booked for the online experience).

    If you choose a split payment option, you will receive an email with a link to book your first session. Once you've done so, you will then receive booking confirmation and for online bookings, a Zoom link to access your session.

  2. Within 24 hours of booking your first session, you’ll receive an email from me with a session checklist with some important reminders and instructions. I'll

    also send you a link to an online Questionnaire for you to complete prior to

    our session, so I can properly prepare for our work together.

  3. See you at your session!

Frequently asked questions

What if I can’t be hypnotised / I know I cannot be hypnotised.

People often say this to me but end up having a wonderfully deep experience! Hypnosis is really a deep, relaxed state where you have heightened awareness to access things from your unconscious, soul & higher self. So relax, and trust your experience. I will assist you all the way!

What happens if you remove entities? I don't want them to attach to my home, or my loved ones around me.

Nothing to worry about there. I, alongside my Divine Team of Arcturians & Angelic Realm remove everything with a loving, high frequency light and all energy is safely contained. These sessions not only assist you, they assist to lighten the frequency of the planet!

Will I definitely access another timeline?

I can never guarantee this, but it's highly, highly likely that you will. If you cannot, this would be something within you that is preventing it, or something outside of you attempting to block your connection. Either way, this would be something we can deal with together in your session.

What if I can’t connect to my Higher Self or don't have a Higher Self?

Everyone has a Higher Self. If you were unable to connect to your Higher Self, this would be most likely due to energies / attachments sabotaging your connection - so you'll be in the right place because this is what I am here to assist you with!

What if I can’t sense anything myself in my energy field and I can’t see anything under hypnosis?

Some people are able to. Some are not able to. Either way, I am able to see and detect things in your energy field. As a Channel, I am also directed, so we have you covered for a very thorough clearing.

Is it safe to do this online?

Absolutely! I set the session up at the beginning for full safety and protection. I work with an exceptionally high frequency team of guides, and we have full ability to remove what's needed and keep you fully safe & protected, which is the very nature of these sessions.

Read what others had to say, below...

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

"If you've never worked with Marie before I can assure you that she is wonderful to work with! You are in safe and capable hands! I've had some life changing experiences myself. I was able to clear away energies that I hadn't realized were there but now that they're not the difference is mind blowing. I'm being able to tap into my knowing easier than I was before. I'm feeling more secure in my connection with the Divine, less blocked (if that makes sense). It's like a fog was cleared away."

Wisteria B

"My sessions with Marie have been life-changing in subtle and powerful ways. I was initially unsure whether I would be able to tune into entities and practice quantum travel under hypnosis but was open to whatever happened. Marie was gentle and reassuring so that I never felt any pressure and had complete trust in whatever unfolded. It was overwhelming to experience the removal of several entities but I felt joy and vitality like I’d never experienced after the first session which has stayed with me ever since. I now recognise this as my natural state of being and can more easily come back to it when I am off balance. My second session showed me a parallel life which is extremely relevant for the situations I am finding myself in now. My life and spiritual journeys are now moving into new directions which I hadn’t thought possible."


an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

"I just want to say a massive thank you to Marie for all your support you have given me... you had such a warm welcoming feeling and I felt very comfortable with you and the love and support you had given me. The experience I had with entity clearings! It was really good and I feel a lot more connected to my higher self again. I gained some wonderful knowledge that I needed to learn about myself and the importance of healing and involving. I totally recommend to anyone to get a session done, this has helped me tremendously."


"I am so grateful for the support from Marie for the past couple of years. This time round I participated in her clearing sessions and they have greatly helped me to feel peaceful and calm again. I was going through a challenging time, as I had some nightmares, which created lots of fears in my daily life. It felt as if there was some presence in my energetic field that stopped me from enjoying life and moving forward towards realisation of my dreams. During the sessions we identified what it was and Marie gently guided these energies to leave. I felt very safe during these sessions and touched by the gentle guidance from Marie. We have recently moved our home, which also came with some challenges, but thanks to the clearing sessions I now feel very connected to the guidance from my guides and the solutions to these challenges come easily. I honestly don't know how I would manage this difficult time without Marie's support. Her beautiful, pure, non-judgemental soul is like a gift that was sent to me from Heaven just exactly at the right time. Thank you, Marie"




an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

"I appreciate Marie opening more space with her gifts by offering these Hypnosis Sessions. My first time experiencing hypnosis was right on time. She guided me through the conscious and unconscious moments of going deeper within 5 of my chakra's and communicate with my higher selves. I'm very visual so I was able to see specific timelines of other lifetimes that were ready for me to transmute throughout each energetic center. The dense forces that were attached in certain areas were properly addressed with Marie and her team, but she also made sure I knew how to confidently speak to what was ready to be released. My session with Marie prepared me for a more powerful era in my journey and helped me access more of the quantum consciously. My experience throughout my session helped me feel more comfortable connecting to my body and nervous system. The indepth removal of energetic blockages has helped me very much and I will invest in another session when the time is right again. Thank you."


"Given I help people to express their voice more fully in the world, it's staggering that I have allowed my own voice to be so stuck, but then as Marie identified I had had a lot of interference stopping me from fully expressing myself. This interference was a lot more than limited beliefs, or cultural programming it was in the form of attachments, even otherworldly attachments. The difference after my sessions with Marie are otherworldly, I am still processing them. I feel better and clearer and calmer and more able to be myself much more fully than I can ever remember. What I know for sure, is that I feel like a totally different person now after my sessions with her, and I am able to let go and neutralise any kind of situation that I am going through with a lot more ease and speed which enables me to thrive in my own energy and move forwards with my desires and dreams which is the biggest gift ever!"


an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

"Thank you for everything today. It's an amazing feeling after our session today and the amount of thoughts/memories flooding through is intense. But great feelings overall. With more time to reflect after the session today, some things are getting clearer to understand and I’ll share those things with you as well as they start to ‘flood’ in."


"I am seeing things a lot more clearly now it’s fascinating. Your clearing sessions are just phenomenal..."

"It feels like a big rebirth!"



Coded Clearing Hypnosis - 2 Session Experience

Coded Clearing Hypnosis - 4 Session Experience

ONLINE Pay In Full $795

ONLINE Split Payment x3 $265

ONLINE Pay In Full $1,500

ONLINE Split Payment x3 $500

ONLINE Split Payment x6 $250

IN PERSON Pay In Full £650

** March offer: book for £444!

IN PERSON Pay In Full £1,200

** March offer: book for £888!