For years, even during my years as a Lawyer, I always had that niggle, that feeling of restlessness and yearning for more...
Hello, I'm Marie Fleming Grant - Founder of The Awake Revolution, Channel, Author & Energetics Consultant.

A snapshot about me
Direct, High level Channeler (I channel in several ways, including the High Angelic Realm, the Arcturian High Council, the higher consciousness of money & wealth)
Certified in Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis (SCHH)
A trained, certified and ethical practitioner of Coaching, NLP (neuro linguistic programming), Hypnotherapy & Timeline Therapies.
Level 3 trained EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner
Past / Parallel Lives Regression Therapist
Creator of my own channeled healing modality - Coded Clearing
Although non-practising these days, I'm a fully qualified, experienced Lawyer (UK Solicitor) which explains my strong strategy side!
My innate 'Projector' abilities (in Human Design) and experience enable me to:
* Deeply sense your energy field and detect exactly what's going on for you
* Illuminate your pathway
* Receive intuitive flashes and strategy for you
* Assist you to heal and pave new ways
* Bring more efficiency to your energy and your processes
* Help you to make your 'doing' even better!
I lead my own mission as Creator & Director of 'The Awake Revolution,' and founder of the 'High Level Channel International Training Academy.' As an Author, I have many more books to release (some will be fiction because I have an abundance of stories to shock, surprise & delightfully expand you!)
To date, I've worked with hundreds of clients over the past decade, and have a deep background of life experience, allowing me to get close and personal to the challenges which arise in life, business & mission, equipping me to guide - powerfully.
I'm here to facilitate personal and planetary transformation.
My mission is a BIG one and... I LOVE what I do!
There was struggle and a lot of overcoming - never-ending rollercoasters.
Despite external achievements, I suffered deeply. I felt worthless.
The accumulation of unresolved past trauma led to a severe and debilitating illness spanning five years, leaving me housebound.
I reached the darkest point of wanting to exit this lifetime.
In divine timing, I was told that I was here for a reason.
This led me to the path of the biggest recovery, transformation and awakening of my entire life, which broke me out of the matrix and moved me onto my true calling.
After I chose to leave the legal profession and navigated life as an entrepreneur (a deeply spiritual path in itself) the crazy and colourful breadcrumb trail led me to more activations... until I started to be able to consciously channel - I did NOT see that one coming, I can tell you!
I embraced the multi-dimensional parts of myself and finally stepped up into my TRUE Mission!
It's such a long, juicy story, I could write a book about it ....
So I did!
Before I stepped into my Mission...
My style & how I work
I'm a High Level Channel. I channel through information from higher dimensional beings (The High Arcturian Council and the High Angelic Realm) I would have thought that sounded absolutely nuts a few years ago, but here I am!
I'm a Therapist but not a 'normal' Therapist because I won't just sit and listen and nod and dive into the past, and when it's appropriate, will absolutely say what needs to be said and (lovingly) kick your arse! And I bring humour where many wouldn't!
I'm a Coach, but not a 'normal' Coach because I'm about more than future action and moving forward, and sometimes get you to stop, delve where needed and help you unearth and resolve the root causes and issues.
I'm a Hypnotherapist but not a 'normal' one because I won't always go deep into things and work at that level - sometimes it's about getting really practical, into the now, and actually DOING the thing that is going to get you to where you want to be!
I'm a Strategist but not a 'normal' one because I won't just keep our work on a surface level. Sometimes I'll get you digging deeper than you planned, to align the action with the core of you, as well as help you activate parts of yourself and release the baggage.
I work with all things ENERGY - I'm a highly effective Guide & Activator!
I'm an EFT Practitioner, a highly intuitive and loving person, but I won't stand for shit. I'm all about light, love and acceptance but never at the expense of healthy, high standards! Contrary to what people may assume about me, I have a fierce and fiery side, when required!
I'm at ease with Light and Dark and everything in between!
And for someone who's actually not a fan of labels, I seem to have many of them to describe what I do!
I'm not for everyone.
But I am for you, if you're a beautifully deep and complex individual who benefits from many different approaches, and like me, you don't fit into a neat little box! I work with those who find themselves guided towards me, who are typically here on a mission, and recognise that we're supposed to connect...
1. Stationery is my drug of choice!
2. I think baked camembert with garlic and rosemary is one of the most delicious things ever - with chunks of warm, buttered baguette!
3. Soft lighting is a non-negotiable, and I like to be around twinkly fairy lights as often as possible.
4. Chocolate brownies bring me joy, because to me they are like little pieces of art that I can eat! But I absolutely do not like chocolate milkshakes.
5. I'm a musical soul. I adore the sound of a saxophone and would love to learn how to play it. I'd also love to learn to play the piano, harp and drums. (It's a lot of fun having a daughter who was musical from birth and is now on her way to becoming a professional music producer!)
6. My favourite animal is a giraffe because they somehow combine elegance AND weirdness.
7. My favourite show that I always return to and never get bored of: Suits.
8. I'm a Scorpio Sun & Leo moon, an INFJ, a life path 5 and soul number 11 in numerology, a 2/4 Emotional Projector in Human Design.
9. I'm married to a man (an absolute Warrior) who gives me the same feeling as fact number 2!!!
10. I was born and raised in London, I'm half Irish, half Goan.
11. I bloody hate celery. Don't try and sneak it into a dish - I'll know!
I have a great love for humanity and the planet. I'm also one who is navigating her own human experience, not ALWAYS feeling twinkly or in the mood for 'love & light' to everything here on Earth. There are times I like to retreat and curl up like a burrito, with a sofa picnic as I watch ridiculous things, and vow to never come back to this bloody planet ever again!
But then I always return to my true light and see the humour in all of it.
I call this balance.
Marie x
11 partially random facts about me...
The Awake Revolution
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